

Last week we went to the Outer Banks with my sister and her family and my father-in-law and his girlfriend.  It was a lovely trip and we all had so much fun.  For the first time in many years I got to swim in the ocean and I came out feeling rejuvenated.  It was like I had found a piece of my soul again.  I love the beach and the ocean. I’ve always loved summer and the heat.  A lot of people say that it gives them migraines but for me it’s always been my best season.  I’m a sun worshiper. I love to swim and play outside.

As I was leaving I dreamed of living there at the shore, somewhere warm where the days are long all year.  I know that my husband’s work is here.  The good schools are here. Our family and friends are here. Our lives are here.  But a part of me wonders what it could be like to live somewhere like that.  Somewhere where we could swim all the time and sleep to the sound of waves crashing on the beach.  Would we stop appreciating it?  Would we forget to swim?  Would we stop caring?  I’d like to think that I wouldn’t.  I’d like to try it someday.

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  1. Eileen,
    I so enjoyed your article, being a summer person living by the sea would be perfect for you. I loved my very first trip to the ocean, when we took our anniversary trip to Florida. I really loved wadding into the waves and I might have worked up my courage to swim. I have a phobia about swimming in water that I can’t see what is in there with me.
    But if you have a dream of living by the sea and while being next to the water you feel at peace and more intune with your body, mind, soul and spirit. Which I think would certainly spread over to your migraine life, I would give it some thorough consideration. Sometimes change is what we need most, but also the hardest thing to accept.
    I think you are an amazing Mother and wife, you seem to put your families needs ahead of your own.

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